Body Composition

Body Composition Analysis | Muscle Toning and Strength


ALPHA Men’s Health is with you for the journey. Getting in shape, and staying in peak physical condition during that journey can get more and more challenging.

We offer multiple solutions to support you in tracking and improving your physical conditioning, through the use of leading technology.

Body Composition Analysis

Every ALPHA Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Peptide Therapy, or Weight Loss client receives complimentary access to our InBody® Body Composition Analysis equipment, which measures the distribution of muscle and fat within the body, providing insight to your metabolic processes and your overall fitness and health levels. Our providers will support you in tracking your health progress over time, comparing your body composition results, and notching your progress milestones with our clinician staff in support.

Muscle Toning and Strength

If you’re struggling to move stubborn fat, and build lean muscle, in hard to tackle areas, including your mid-section, buttocks and thighs, EMSlim NOVA is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction that can help you in tackling these challenges without without requiring any surgery or downtime.

At ALPHA Men’s Health, our 30-minute EMSlim NOVA sessions combine high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology with radiofrequency (RF) energy to simultaneously tone muscle and melt fat.

Each session is the equivalent of doing over 20,000 ab crunches, burning fat and building muscle simultaneously.

The HIFEM technology stimulates deep, supramaximal muscle contractions that are not possible through regular exercise, providing a super intense, targeted workout. EMSlim NOVA can treat the abdomen, buttocks, biceps and triceps, and calves, and can also bring beneficial skin tightening since it uses RF technology.

If you’re interested in trying the EMSlim NOVA, call us at 817-410-7007 to book a session.

Body Composition FAQ

What is my ‘Body Composition’?

Body composition is a measure of the percentage of various components that make up your body, including fat, muscle, bone, water, and other lean tissues. Unlike simply checking your weight on a scale, understanding body composition provides a more comprehensive view of your overall health.

Why is Body Composition Important?

A healthier body composition involves a higher percentage of lean tissue (muscles, organs, bone) and a lower percentage of body fat. It better predicts health risks than just relying on BMI (Body Mass Index). Multiple services that ALPHA Men’s Health provides, such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Weight Loss, and Vitamin Wellness IM Shots, will, in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise, generate improvements in body composition. Our services will improve muscle mass, burn fat, and generate improvements in overall health

What is EMSLIM?

Emslim is an FDA-cleared non-invasive body contouring treatment that combines muscle building and fat reduction using electromagnetic pulses. It sculpts your body without surgery or downtime.

How does EMSLIM work?

EMSLIM employs specific frequencies to target and break down fat cells while preserving surrounding tissues. The disrupted fat cells are naturally processed and eliminated, resulting in a more contoured appearance.

What areas can EMSLIM Treat?

Emslim can provide sculpting and toning benefits for the following body regions: Abdomen, Buttocks, Arms, Inner & Outer Thighs, Triceps

What are the benefits of EMSLIM?

  • Build muscle and burned fat

  • Non-surgical and painless

  • Quick, convenient sessions

  • Long-lasting results

  • No downtimelean muscle mass, to provide supporting information to assist your weight loss program.

How long does each EMSLIM treatment take?

Each treatment session lasts approximately 30 minutes, and there is no recovery time. You can resume your daily routine immediately after with minimal discomfort.

Are you experiencing any symptoms of Low Testosterone?

ALPHA Men’s Health has solutions waiting for you.

We can establish your T-Levels in a FREE, same visit test performed on-site at our clinic.

Check out our New Client Process to learn more